
Why there's no such thing as a stoner girl...

Reading marijuana-devoted websites can be both educational and frustrating. The frustrating part begins when people who are in charge of attracting more visitors make up silly meaningless listicles, like this one that claims to provide 17 reasons to date a girl who smokes weed. Of course every girl who smokes weed will click on this. And some of them will also forward the link to their boyfriends, so it works. 

I need to say that I highly respect the High Times magazine. It is probably the most important media outlet for drug culture of the 20th century. They still do quality journalism, although they have some competition now. But can’t they do better than trying to imitate Buzzfeed? 

Really, this GIF idea is not even working for them: number 17 has a Chris Brown Smokes Up Rihanna GIF. And look what the caption reads: “The couple that smokes together, stays together.” The troubled story of Rihanna and Brown’s relationship was covered by tabloids, so anyone who is interested is free to read up some TMZ archives. 

Besides that, Buzzed is not a model cannabis-covering media. They have been harshly criticized for promoting a lazy unfocused stoner stereotype. 

But the real problem is in the message. We criticize mainstream media for cultivating the aforementioned pothead stereotype. We know that anyone can be a stoner, and, frankly, we prefer to call it ’a cannabis enthusiast’ or something like that. So why do we support creating a stereotype of ‘a woman who smokes weed’? There is no such thing. There are women who smoke weed, and not all of them are relaxed chicks who are open to threesome experience (as number 11 implies) and have cool friends (or any friends.) 

Some of them are stay at home mothers who relax by getting high when the kids are asleep. Some of them are career women who use marijuana to deal with daily stress. Some are students who use daytime strains to feel energized at their part-time jobs. Some are creative professionals who have mastered the art of high brainstorming and stoned planning. Each of them is unique. 

Another issue is over-sexualizing marijuana smoking. There are whole websites dedicated to erotic photos of women who smoke weed. And this piece of infotainment also implies that sexy stoner chicks wear stockings (you can keep joints in them!), are good with their hands and tongue, and love to try new things. It is not a secret that in stoner humor women are often shown as sexually attractive ladies who like weed, but don’t know where to buy or how to smoke it. 

Meet my friend Helen. She’s a photographer and a digital media professional, she’s in her mid 20s, and she smokes weed several times a week. She is definitely a high-maintenance young woman; her jewelry is perfectly organized, her looks are very thought-through. She will not laugh at your jokes if they are not funny. Helen prefers smoking through a bowl. 

And this is my friend Maria. She is in her late 30s, but if I asked you to define her age basing on her looks, you would probably say 31-32. Maria knows how to roll a spliff and how to run a company. She is happily married and she has a teenage son. Before the recent recession in Russia, her career had been thriving; she’s now a freelance translator, and a successful one. 

Diana works as a waitress in a cafe that belongs to a famous designer. Sofia is a researcher at a biotech lab. Jessica is a radio host and TV producer. They are all normal woman, not some mythical relaxed sexy chicks. The society would have done a very good job if it stopped treating women who smoke weed differently than other women. Cannabis consumption does not define us.

Article written by: By Maya Novikov from www.MonroeBlvd.com


A big thank you to all who came out yesterday! 420 was a great success. From our staff, to patients, customers, and neighbors, we all had a blast. A special thank you to Matt from Freshies Bagels and Juice for manning the much needed munchies food cart, and to Cesar for hosting our Cannabis 101 social as well as those who attended it, including Dr. Steve from MAMAs. We are looking forward to our next class event. Follow us on social media for great deals, news and classes in the meantime!

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Spring Hours are here!

We have extended our hours for Spring!

Come in Mon-Thurs 10a - 8p, Fri-Sat 10a- 9p, and Sundays 10a- 7pm.

Join us on Wednesday, 4-20! 

Our Canna Social and Cannabis 101 will run from 5-7, but we will be open 9-9 with specials all day!

For more details check out our FB Event here!

420 Canna-Celebration!

We will be hosting an intro to Cannabis 101 from 5:00p -7:00p with an open Q&A.
1.25 Cent Joints while supplies last starting at 4:20!

Deals, Specials, Giveaways and GG swag all day!
*Munchies will be available!!*
Extended hours 9:00 am-9:00 pm.
More details to come!

Happy Easter!

For our Easter celebration we are sharing some of the best Bible verses about cannabis!

Genesis 1:29, the most commonly cited pro-pot verse according to Driscoll, says, “Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.’”

Luke 6:37, a kind of catchall verse, says, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

Are there other verses that might lend themselves in support of lighting up? Hint: Look for verses that mention plants or crops. Here are five:

Genesis 1:12 says, “The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 9:3 says, “Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”

1 Timothy 4:1-3, which is about people who will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits, says, “They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.”

Revelation 22:1-2, which imagines the water of life flowing from the throne of God, says, “On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

Matthew 15:11 says, “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

Our Labels just got better!

Our Compostable Labels
Are Now Made With Sugarcane Pulp!

Our new sugarcane face stock has a similar natural look and appeal to the old hemp material. It remains fully compostable, natural, vegan, and tree-free. It has been designed to be slightly thicker than the hemp material, which means it is more durable and significantly improved for machine application, as well as hand application.

We have spent months developing this new solution, and we are pleased to see that our regular customers already love it!

If you loved our natural hemp paper labels, these are even sweeter than ever!

Is your endocannabinoid system balanced?


Leafly came out with an article back in April of last year with some pertinent information. The primary question posed was, as our headline states, "Is your endocannabinoid system balanced?"

To briefly review, the endocannabinoid system is a group of specialized lipids, their receptors, and the enzymes that produce and degrade them. Through direct and indirect actions, endocannabinoids are known to modulate and influence a variety of physiological systems, including appetite, pain, inflammation, thermoregulation, intra-ocular pressure, sensation, muscle control, energy balance, metabolism, sleep health, stress responses, motivation/reward,mood, and memory.

The endocannabinoid system is known to control the proliferation, differentiation, survival, and immune competence of the often-neglected integumentary organ system (i.e., skin cells and hair). Targeting and manipulating endocannabinoid balance with the intent to normalize unwanted skin cell growth and skin inflammation might be beneficial for a variety of human skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, acne, dermatitis, systemic sclerosis, etc).

Read the full article HERE.


Cannabis Topicals, Healing and Fitness

"Balms or salves go a step beyond lotions. They stay on the skin longer and penetrate deeper into the muscle, working best for the more severe localized pain... or joint pain in knees and hips.

This type of application also takes effect quickly, sometimes in as little as five minutes. I’ve experienced relief from cannabis balms that lasts as long as 10 hours, which takes away the need to continually reapply to keep the relief going...

For generalized body ache, nothing beats a soak in cannabis bath salt, which can help you and your body to get some much-needed restful sleep for athletic recovery.

A soak in a hot bath using a cannabis-infused bath salt gives immediate all-over relief with a wonderful aromatherapy experience to boot.

... infused variety provides a level of relaxation that other salts can’t."

Read the full article here!

So Fresh Super Bowl!

We are running an amazing deal on our top shelf strains from SoFresh Farms!

Starting at 3:00 pm Saturday Feb. 6 through 4:20 on SuperBowl Sunday Feb. 7th you can enjoy $30/eighths on Durban Poison, Nuken, Sweeth Tooth and Platinum Kush!

All Certified Clean Green, enjoy your "Super Bowl!"